I’ve been taking photos with my DSLR, and filling up memory cards.

I want to quickly import the photos onto my computer at home, and there are lots of bits of software that are available to use for that. But it also seems like overkill.  I’ve got a simple script instead that I thought I’d share:


cd "/Volumes/NIKON D7000/DCIM/103D7000"
mkdir ~/CameraStorage/import_$(date +"%F")
mkdir ~/CameraStorage/import_$(date +"%F")/protected
mkdir ~/CameraStorage/import_$(date +"%F")/normal
find . -type f -flags +uchg -name "*.NEF" -exec cp {} ~/CameraStorage/import_$(date +"%F")/protected \; 
find . -type f -flags +nouchg -name "*.NEF" -exec cp {} ~/CameraStorage/import_$(date +"%F")/normal \;

Updated later to be:

SCRIPT_DIRECTORY=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
cd $year 
mkdir import_$(date +"%F")
mkdir import_$(date +"%F")/protected
mkdir import_$(date +"%F")/normal

cd "/Volumes/NIKON D7000/DCIM/106D7000"
find . -type f -flags +uchg -name "*.NEF" -exec cp {} "$SCRIPT_DIRECTORY/$year"/import_$(date +"%F")/protected \; 
find . -type f -flags +nouchg -name "*.NEF" -exec cp {} "$SCRIPT_DIRECTORY/$year"/import_$(date +"%F")/normal \;

The only interest bit of this is the uchg flag – that’s the one that is set on the camera when I protect a photo.

As I get better at photography I might improve this a bit – make sure I pull of videos for a start.