
I’m grateful for flying kites, for reasonable sleep, and homemade cookies (and indeed, other food experiments including new scrambled tofu).
I’m grateful for solid friends and books and daily runs. For people who send funny videos. For a rare chance to sit and watch a film that genuinely surprised and impressed me (The Martian, I managed to avoid hearing about it at all when it was first released). I’m grateful for walks in the park. I’m most grateful that Nova let me read to her tonight - she’s insisted on Kat doing it every night since they came back (for quite reasonable reasons), but she let me do it tonight and it was beyond lovely to snuggle up with a book.
I’m grateful that Leo seems more and more interested in the world. I’m grateful for meals out in the garden - and peacefully sitting out on a lawn chair cuddling the child.
I’m grateful for thermos flasks and time with a blank bit of paper. I’m grateful for stormy weather.